Sacred Heart Parish welcomes interest in our Catholic faith. RCIA classes are designed for those interested in entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith through a spiritual journey of formation that brings their conversion and faith to maturity. Classes are held September - Easter on Tuesday (Spanish) / Thursday (English) evenings at 7:00pm in the Senior Center of Biedermann Hall. If you are interested in receiving your Baptism, Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the parish offie for more information (805) 647-3235 ext 300.
Erases original sin and also forgives personal sin in adults, gives birth to new life in Christ, and welcomes into the family of God, the Church. Parents and godparents are instructed on the meaning of baptism through a pre-baptismal class. Call the rectory for an interview with the deacon.
PENANCE & RECONCILIATION: Click HERE for more info...
Through Christ's grace our sins are forgiven, we are made holy and reconciled with God and the Church, increases spiritual strength for the Christian battle. Weekly confession hours are scheduled as well as penitential services with time for individual confessions during Advent & Lent. Preparation offered through Sacred Heart School and the Religious Education Program.
THE EUCHARIST: Click HERE for more info...
The Eucharist is a memorial of Christ's Passion and resurrection. It gives nourishment for the soul, and provides the grace of salvation. Preparation for 1st Holy Communion is offered through Sacred Heart School and the Religious Education Program. This is a 2 year program.
YOUTH CONFIRMATION: Click HERE for more info...
Completes baptismal grace, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit in Christ, strengthens together with the Church to witness to the Christian faith. Confirmation classes and preparation take place through the High School Youth Ministry and is a one-year intensive prep program.
Unites Christians suffering from illness or old age with the Passion of Christ, provides healing, strength, peace, courage to endure, forgiveness and preparation for passing into Eternal Life. Please call the Rectory office to arrange for this sacrament.
Christ sanctifies the covenant established between a man and women forming an intimate communion of lifelong faithful, fruitful love and support. Please call the Rectory office for marriage preparation information. Allow six months prior to the desired wedding date. The marriage coordinator will assist with details. The bride or groom must be practicing their faith and have received Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation.
If any young man or woman feels that God is calling you to serve Christ in the Church as a priest, brother or sister, please contact the rectory office and make an appointment with a priest for further guidance.